Willan Technologies provide SSL services for your website and company. An SSL certificate is an online certificate that authenticates a website's identity and enables an encrypted connection. An essential security protocol, this link between a server and a web browser is encrypted. This SSL certificate is necessary for Companies and organizations to secure online transactions and keep customer information private and secure.
SSL ensures that the data transferred between 2 different systems or users and websites will be impossible to read. It uses encryption keys or encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit, which doesn't let hackers from going through it as it is sent over the network. This data includes potentially sensitive data such as names, credit card numbers, or other financial details.
Designed with Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications in mind, this Organization Validated (OV) certificate provides support not only for multiple domains, but also unlimited subdomains. This certificate is the perfect wildcard solution for comp...
This is GeoTrust’s Domain Validated (DV) Wildcard option, which means it can be issued in just a few minutes. And since it’s a Wildcard solution – you can cover one domain and an unlimited number of subdomains. The GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium als...
This Wildcard certificate is Thawte’s Domain Validated (DV) option, meaning it can be issued out in just a few minutes. The Thawte SSL123 Wildcard certificate comes from one of the most respected names in the web security industry. It will cover on...
This certificate will secure an unlimited number of subdomains which makes management and provisioning very easy. This wildcard certificate will provide you with unlimited server licensing, along with a static site seal....
This certificate offers the dynamic Comodo site seal and unlimited server licensing. You will also be able to secure one domain and of your subdomains. This wildcard certificate is an excellent option for medium-sized companies and ecommerce sites th...
The most identity you can assert with a Wildcard product. Showcase your organization’s identity on a single domain and all its sub-domains. Perfect for large enterprise environments and internal networks....
Are you looking to secure one main domain, along with all of your subdomains? If so, then the Comodo Wildcard SSL certificate is an excellent option. With just one certificate, you can cover your main domain (www.domain.com) and as many subdomains as...
Secure your domain and all its first-level sub-domains with a single certificate for one very low price. Comes backed by the Sectigo Secure seal and an industry-leading warranty. ...
Enterprise SSL Pro Wildcard offers you all the familiar benefits of the Enterprise SSL Pro – the same strong encryption strength, the same 2048-bit RSA key/ECC capabilities, the same organization authentication and the same peace of mind with its $...
By far the most flexible certificate in the industry, protect not only multiple domains, but also unlimited subdomains on the domains with this Organization Validated (OV).Other features include 1 year of CI scanning, 1 year of website vulnerability ...
Fast, affordable domain validated SSL encryption for up to 250 different domains and their accompanying sub-domains. Eliminates the burdens of certificate management and reduces costs substantially. ...
The most versatile SSL/TLS certificate in the Sectigo collection. Assert organizational identity on up to 250 different domains and all of their accompanying sub-domains with the Sectigo OV SSL Multi-Domain Wildcard....
This is an easy and affordable solution if you want to secure all of your subdomains that share the same base domain name. This wildcard is perfect for medium to larger-sized companies, or any business that places the highest stock in their customers...
This basic, yet affordable OV wildcard certificate is a legacy DigiCert solution that can cover an unlimited amount of sub-domain. $1M warranty. Up to 250 SANs ...
The industry staple OV wildcard SSL is now powered by DigiCert roots. Secure unlimited subdomains with one certificate, plus get a $1.75M warranty, instant issuance, CertCentral®, and the Norton1109 AM™ Seal ...
This certificate allows you to secure multiple fully qualified domains that share the same base domain name that is housed on the same server. This certificate is compatible with more than 99% of browsers and offers top-level encryption that^s ideall...
The Thawte SSL WebServer Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate is one of the most versatile SSL certificates available on the market today. It’s an excellent certificate for businesses looking to go beyond just encryption for their entire portfolio...
If you need to secure multiple domains or Sub-Domains, the GeoTrust True BusinessID with Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate is the ideal choice. GeoTrust is one of the most respected brands in the SSL industry, and this multi-domain wildcard certi...
Why deal with all the hassle, stress and technical mumbo-jumbo that comes with installing an SSL certificate if you don’t have to? When you purchase our SSL Certificate Installation Service, our highly qualified SSL experts will make sure your SSL ...
This is a very popular wildcard certificate, as it offers full 256-bit encryption for one main domain and an unlimited amount of associated subdomains. Plus, being a Domain Validated (DV) certificate, it can be issued in a matter of minutes. ...
Choosing a Wildcard SSL/TLS certificate can be beneficial in certain scenarios. Here are a few reasons that justify your decision to go with a Wildcard SSL/TLS certificate:
Wildcard certificates are more cost-effective than obtaining separate certificates for each subdomain. With it, you can secure unlimited subdomains within the same domain.
Managing a single certificate for multiple subdomains is more convenient. Instead of tracking individual certificates, you only need to maintain one wildcard certificate.
Wildcard certificates cover an unlimited number of subdomains; this flexibility makes them ideal for companies with dynamic environments where subdomains are often created.
These certificates ensure that all communication between users and your website or application is encrypted, protecting sensitive data from interception and unauthorized access.
Google considers SSL/TLS encryption a ranking factor, and having HTTPS across all your subdomains can improve search rankings, positively impacting your SEO efforts.
A Wildcard SSL/TLS certificate can offer a seamless user experience. Users will not encounter SSL/TLS errors when accessing different subdomains under the secured domain.
Secure your entire domain and subdomains easily using our Wildcard SSL/TLS certificates. We comprehend the significance of data security and aim to deliver you the highest level of protection for your online presence. With our Wildcard SSL/TLS certificates, you can secure multiple subdomains under a single certificate, saving time, effort, and money.
Pay attention to the security of your subdomains. Choose Willan Technologies’ Wildcard SSL/TLS certificates and protect your entire domain ecosystem. Get started today and experience peace of mind with robust and reliable SSL/TLS encryption.
Secure your domain and subdomains with our Wildcard SSL/TLS certificates – the smart choice for comprehensive online security. Connect to learn more or to get started securing your website!